These sterilized and sealed professional piercing needles greatly simplify the self-piercing process. By attaching directly to the piece of jewelry it can be inserted at the time of piercing instead of hunting for a bloody hole during a painful adrenaline spike. Barbells, horseshoes, and individual needles available.
When it comes to body modification you must understand first that your body is sacred. It emits and absorbs the energies you experience in your day to day life. When you allow someone else to modify your body for you the result is a body art that has been “tainted” with the energy of the person you allow to carry out the modification. This is fine if your modifier is someone that is already close to you that you Love and trust but when given the choice between allowing a stranger to perform the modification or doing it yourself you should always choose yourself whenever possible. The energy and the story surrounding your body art will yield much more gratifying results. Educate yourself on the process of your particular modification; the information is more than available. Body modification and technique are older than any “license” issued to practice this art. Purchase the proper equipment! This will greatly simplify your experience. Be sure to care for your modification properly until healed.